Yast Package Manager openSuse 12.3 slows down terribly while downloading updates


Yesterday, I updated openSuse 12.1 to 12.3 from DVD. That went OK, except for two minor problems.
One was, that although I added the NVidia repository, the Nvidia driver did not get updated and was not activated
at system restart after updating had been finished.
The second problem was that it could not start my previous KDE configuration and started the default.

I started Yast Package Manager, which turned out to be blocked by Apper, which I disabled. (I prefer to use Yast PM)
After selecting packages for updating, downloading started at the max connection speed, but then quickly slowed down
to 3B/s for the worst or messaged that it could not acces the server. After clicking “Try Again” it would continue at full
speed but also slow down again.

So I decided to try at least get the NVidia driver updated and working again from the console logged in as root.
No delays here and after reboot it started also with my 12.1 configured KDE desktop.

Then I tried to update other packages by running Yast PM. Unfortunately the download slow down to almost freeze persists.
From the user desktop it is in fact impossible to use the Package Manager
So I decided to check the Package Manager logged in as root on KDE. * (I know this should be avoided)*
Here no slow down at all! Full connection speed present :slight_smile:

Any solution for this problem?

Thanks for your help,


You cannot update from 12.1 to 12.3. You can, but all the docs say it’s supported only from one version to the next. IMHO you should have posted here before you decided to log in on the desktop as root. Since the situation no longer exists it’s hard to tell what happened.

On 2013-04-08 00:56, Knurpht wrote:
> You cannot update from 12.1 to 12.3. You can, but all the docs say it’s
> supported only from one version to the next

Not all the docs :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

On 2013-04-08 00:16, sliding wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday, I updated openSuse 12.1 to 12.3 from DVD. That went OK,
> except for two minor problems.

After a DVD upgrade there are still things to do; have a read here:

Offline upgrade

(I’m assuming you did an upgrade, not a fresh install)

> I started Yast Package Manager, which turned out to be blocked by
> Apper, which I disabled. (I prefer to use Yast PM)
> After selecting packages for updating, downloading started at the max
> connection speed, but then quickly slowed down
> to 3B/s for the worst or messaged that it could not acces the server.
> After clicking “Try Again” it would continue at full
> speed but also slow down again.


> So I decided to check the Package Manager logged in as root on KDE. -
> (I know this should be avoided)-
> Here no slow down at all! Full connection speed present :slight_smile:


I would try to create a new user, and try there. If that doesn’t work,
try root, but don’t say it :wink:

From there, try to do the steps described in the guide above. The DVD
upgrade has a problem, it does not upgrade all packages, only those that
are on the DVD. So you have to connect and upgrade the rest, however you
do it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the info
The “DOCS” did not mention this DVD problem. I understood that if you add the repos used for
custom added programs, that these would get updated as well.
Anyway upgrading from 12.1 to 12.3 seems to be succesfull, no matter what the “DOCS” say.
In the past I experienced seriousproblems with upgrading subsequent versions and was forced
to do a fresh install, so what 's true?

I will check the links you posted to see if this problem will solve by what’s described and try to
create a new user and see what happens.

Best regards,


On 2013-04-08 14:16, sliding wrote:

> Hi Carlos,
> Thanks for the info
> The “DOCS” did not mention this DVD problem.

They do. I wrote that documentation. >;-)

> I understood that if you
> add the repos used for
> custom added programs, that these would get updated as well.

During the DVD upgrade procedure? That does not work on all versions. In
fact, I have never got it to work correctly.

> Anyway upgrading from 12.1 to 12.3 seems to be succesfull, no matter
> what the “DOCS” say.

Seems is not good enough. Check.

Again, I am assuming that you did the procedure described as “offline
upgrade”, aka “DVD upgrade”. If you used another method or a variation,
please describe it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)