YaST Modules' GUI not showing up

Greetings! :slight_smile: Since the beginning of October’s Tumbleweed update, the GUI for none of YaST’s modules is showing up. For example, clicking on Software Update, Software repositories, Partitioner, etc. have no effect, nothing happens. I’m now on the latest Tumbleweed snapshot. And no updates since then made it work. Anyone else had this issue, and any suggestions?

I had no problems in my fresh installs done recently…

Make sure you have the packages libyui7, libyui-qt7, and libyui-qt-pkg7 installed.
Depending on how you upgrade your system, you might still have the old "6"versions installed…

Hey Wolfi! Thanks :slight_smile: It worked! :slight_smile: Updated to version 7 and uninstalled 6. Normally, I update with “zypper up” to preserve other repo bindings, but I guess, “zypper dup” is better at times… due to zypper up I have not been getting updates to my kernel also for a while when i found that kernel-desktop has been dropped and now kernel-default is being used. What do you recommend is the best way to update in TW?