Yast error starting Fonts management

I tried today the Yast fonts setting and I receive the next error

Internal error. Please report a bug report with logs.
Run save_y2logs to get complete logs.

Caller: internal:/usr/lib64/ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:88:in `require’

Details: cannot load such file – yast/fontconfig_setting

Seems a config file is missing but I have no idea where it is located

In the /var/log/YaST2/y2log I have the same error
2023-03-04 13:48:14 <1> hpprol2(18077) [Interpreter] bin/y2start:68 Calling YaST client fonts
2023-03-04 13:48:14 <1> hpprol2(18077) [Ruby] yast/wfm.rb(run_client):341 Call client /usr/share/YaST2/clients/fonts.rb
2023-03-04 13:48:14 <3> hpprol2(18077) [Ruby] yast/wfm.rb(handle_exception):271 Client /usr/share/YaST2/clients/fonts.rb failed with ‘cannot load such file – yast/fontconfig_setting’ (LoadError).

Any idea how to solve this?
Many thanks in advance

yast2-fonts won’t build…

There where also bugreports and request to drop this package years ago as it is unmaintained and dead upstream…

There is a removal request as it is broken beyond recognition and was only reintroduced into Tumbleweed by mistake:

There is a removal request as it is broken beyond recognition and was only reintroduced into Tumbleweed by mistake:

Thanks for the info