To the OP:
Every modern Linux distro now supports a Package Management system so that Users can easily install and uninstall applications.
There are different package types, and openSUSE uses the common RPM package type, not DEB or others.
These packages are stored in a location known as a repository, so if you look in any supported repository you will find RPM files (which of course you won’t find in a github site). As an example and because you are asking about a Python app, you can open a web browser to the following location to view the special Python repository for 42.2
These repositories themselves will be of different types and must be supported by openSUSE. When a repository is set up to hold packages, typically there will be a package list and authentication keys plus other metadata for a Package Manager application to use.
On openSUSE, we have two primary Package Managmeent tools which work well together, zypper and YaST. You can also optionally use the rpm package manager as well.
Before going on further about your specific application, let’s first talk about what you can do with things at Github, after all it’s also a very important resource.
It’s what is known as a repository used generally for source code and other files, not packages which are not original code but pre-compiled to run on your system. As such, it’s a common location for people to build and test apps before they’re packaged for use. Or, it’s there for anyone to install the app without the packaging.
But, now back to the specific app you appear to want to install which is called** iminuit**.
If you search your current repositories and at, you won’t find the app… No one has created an RPM package for openSUSE as of today.
You can istill install the app, though…
You’ve found the github page for the application which contains the application source and directions for building from source, so that is an option although requires a bit of work.
You have another option, though.
On the application’s github page, it says it’s available from PiPi, which is the Python project’s main repository and apps installed from there will run on openSUSE just fine.
To install your app, run the following steps from a console like Konsole,
First test pip is installed (It always should be part of a default openSUSE install)
pip --help
You can now use pip to query the PiPi repository for your app, but you will prompted to upgrade pip itself. Do so with the following command and you will have downloaded and installed your first app from PiPi!
pip install --upgrade pip
Once pip has been upgraded, you can now search for your app
pip search iminuit
Your app should be displayed which means it’s available for your install. You can now install with
pip install iminuit
Note that the above should do many things automatically for you, like install the version of your app which matches your installed Python (2.7 today). If a new version of iminuit is released, you can update it the same way you updated pip above.
Any further questions, just post…