XMPP/Jabber in Contact details

I really miss XMPP/Jabber protocol in Contact details. Others (proprietary) protocols are there.

Jabber would be really nice :slight_smile:

Skype, ICQ, AIM, MSN, and Yahoo! Messenger are the only options currently available in this version of the vBulletin software as far as I know.

Ah, ok. Then those contact details will be enough, I assume :wink:

I use only Jabber :slight_smile:

Hi all,

Today, another user (in the FR forums) asked to add Jabber protocol in Jabber personal details.

I bump this thread as I think it is an issue that should be easily solved and that would be really useful for an Free/Open Source Software community such as openSUSE :wink:
Please add this on the TO DO list :slight_smile:

On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 12:06:02 +0000, Spyhawk wrote:

> Hi all,
> Today, another user (in the FR forums) asked to add Jabber protocol in
> Jabber personal details.
> I bump this thread as I think it is an issue that should be easily
> solved and that would be really useful for an Free/Open Source Software
> community such as openSUSE :wink:
> Please add this on the TO DO list :slight_smile:

Will ping the other admins on this - I think this is a change in the
forum software, though, which means that it would need to be maintained
through updates, and there has been a reluctance to do that sort of thing
because of the maintenance required…

But it never hurts to ask. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator