XGL repository deleted?

Hi everybody,
i’ve always used the X11:XGL repo to install compiz and emerald because i’ve never managed tu make compiz run using X11:Compiz repo.
But since some day the X11:XGL at Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL repo has disappeared.
What’s happened? How can i install emerald and its themes now?
Many thanks in advance.

See if this helps
Installing and Configuring Compiz

You’re guide is perfect and i’ve done something similar for ages. I’ve no problem in installing, configuring and using compiz and emerald.
The problem is that there’s no more the XGL repository !!
Try this link: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/X11:/XGL/openSUSE_11.3/ and you’ll see what i mean :frowning:

Repo is gone. X11:Compiz is the right repo to use.
We had a thread relating to this yesterday…

For further details see yesterday’s fred at http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-help-here/applications/444493-where-lost-repository-xgl-compiz-fusion-emerald.html

Very,very bad. Emerald for me is the best window decorator ever seen.
Is there a way to mirror the old repository ?? I mean, have it online for a while so who is interested can copy it on local hard disk ?
Really, the XGL repo has been perfect for years even if now it had some dependencies problem (at least on 11.3).
Please, point me to a backup of the old repo so i can download and mantain it for me and my friends .
(i should have done this before if i knew that the repo was going to be deleted)
Many thanks in advance.

If you want to maintain the package, you can do this via OS build service and then it would be in profit for all other users :wink:
AFAIK there is no “old” mirror. I still have the (64bit) packages of emerald installed. I think there’s a way to rebuild a rpm out of the installed package. If yes, I can do that, but this will take some time…(I even might have them in zypper’s cache…)

But if you really want to maintain the package (time might come where the plain installation of emerald’s RPMs won’t be enough) please consider the buildservice.
Maybe cyberorg (see the bugreport) still has the sources/spec…

Thanks lOtz1009,
By now i’ll try to make an archive of the installed files so i can easily install emerald on my friends boxes … rpm -ql is my friend :wink: until next opensuse release this can be enough.
Next i’ll try the buildservice way even if for me building rpm is quite intimidating :frowning:

I’ve just asked cyberorg for source / specs.
I think with the existing files I can at least manage to maintain Emerald or Fusion-Icon. I cannot do this from scratch for lack of building knowledge.

Let’s see what happens, if I’ve got news, I’ll reply in this thread again.

Hello all,

I’ve decided to reply to this thread since it’s the most recent one on the problem. I’ve created a how-to as a workaround for the missing emerald and fusion-icon packages. Keep watching my how-to guide here:
Installing and Configuring Compiz

I’ve messaged caf to change it to the new guide and you should see some changes sometime today. I’m sure he’ll let everyone know when it’s up and running. I’m also going to change the wiki to reflect the fact that there’s no .ymp for KDE4 and redirect users to my how-to until lotz1009 finds out if he can maintain Emerald or Fusion-Icon. Thanks again lotz1009 for giving us the heads up yesterday. Sorry it took me till today to type up the workaround.

Take Care,


The workaround how-to is now in place. Any Gnome users can still use the one-clicks (once the wiki gets updated with my changes), otherwise you can also find the one-clicks at the repositories I’ve listed in my how-to. KDE users can follow my how-to. Thanks to everyone who helped with the (hopefully temporary) workaround.

Take Care,


Many thanks !!
As everybody see the deletion of XGL repos has caused many headaches :slight_smile:
Going to read new guide.

Special thank you to lOtz1009 if he can find the time to maintain at least emerald.


If you can test my how-to out for me and post any problems here it would be much appreciated!

Take Care,



doesnt exists. nothing exists anymore.

im in 11.3 and i miss my fusion-icon and emerald themes ;/ should never have upgraded from 11.1 :frowning:

Just updated in my how-to a quick workaround as a separate post. Will get a proper update soon.

Take Care,


Am 27.09.2010 17:06, schrieb zemerdon:
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/X11:/Compiz/openSUSE_11.3/
> doesnt exists. nothing exists anymore.
> im in 11.3 and i miss my fusion-icon and emerald themes ;/ should
> never have upgraded from 11.1 :frowning:

If you want, you can get Emerald and Themes from

Compiz itself is shipped via OSS-Repository

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