XFCE and keep session


I have SUSE 11.0 running and have found some issues with Compiz fusion and kde 4.0.

So I have been enjoying using Gnome and especially XFCE.

The problem I’m having with XFCE is each time a log out and log in the default is not Allow XFCE to manage desktop, and is somehow using KDE.

To fix this as mentioned every time I log in I have to go to the XFCE Manage Settings -> Desktop Prfreneces and select the tick box Allow XFCE to manage desktop.

How can I make this perminent?


My guess is in the session and startup your automatically save session on logout is enable. Try disabling it and logout and login.

Thanks for the help.

I already did this, still the same issue.
Also something else weird is happening.
As above after I logon and change to the Enbale XFCE to manage tick box, the manager is still KDE.

I can see the XFCE sesion manager running for just a second then KDE takes hold, and back to the Green Suse background that is default KDE.

Which kde?kde 4 or kde 3?
If it is kde 4 you may run killall plasma
If it is kde 3 then killall kwin.
Or you can just run xfwm4 --replace.

One more thing to look at is that it seems from your original post you are not running kde but gnome so in this case it is nautilus desktop running in the background,unless you installed the kde packages to enable kwin. What I am seeing is, it is gnome running on top of xfce in this case.
I am not sure enough with gnome because I haven’t use it for a long time.
There is a command for gnome to stop taking your desktop. I am not really sure with the command exactly but it goes to something like killall nautilus or killall metacity. additionally you can configure nautilus to run with no desktop only that it might not be advisable because your main de is gnome.

If this problem persist you can add individually xfwm4 and xfdesktop in your autostarted applications in xfce. How to add is give it a name and in the command parameter put xfwm4 and for the other xfdesktop.

Please post what you are seeing in your desktop to see exactly what it is e.g right click your mouse if something pop up read and post it here so we can determine what is really running.

One more scennario is it is actually compiz at work. You can run the compiz-fusion icon and when you see it in the system tray do a right mouse click to see the window manager being use, the choice probably are metacity, kwin, icewm, xfwm4 and compiz, there you can select xfwm4 if you want it to run xfce, the next time you reboot or logout login it will be using xfwm4 minus the compiz effects.

Thanks for all your help!

I have all three window managers installed, KDE 4.0, Gnome my least favorite and XFCE which I’m really liking.

I have found some issues with the new KDE 4.0, I think they are bugs and I have managed to reproduce them in the KDE 4.0.

That is one of the reasons why I switched to XFCE.
Strangely enough I can see KDE run on the XFCE window manager, even though I continually try to make XFCE magaed desktop in settings, I have also made sure that save desktop on exit is not selected.

Now what happens when I loginto XFCE is for a brief second I can see the XFCE desktop backgrounds that I have set up, then the KDE window manager takes over hence the standard KDE green desktop.


I will post what I’m seeing, when I get home this evening. I have made some screen shots, one of them is really weird a box stuck in the left hand corner whith now drop down menu to move or close it.
The window had little dollar signs and random characters running in it, almos like you would see in a screen saver.
This I managed to trace to Compuz fusion, as soon as I turned of desktop affects the box was gone.
This occured in KDE 4.0 I have a screen shot and notes I will post.

Looks like either a bug or something else