xfce and bluetooth.

When I connect my usb-bluetooth dongle in 11.4 (Gnome) I immediately see a blue* icon in the panel.
In 12.1 (xfce) i see nothing.

How can I browse files in my cellular using bluetooth and xfce in 12.1?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 “Asparagus” GM (bombadillo))

You have to configure it in xfce4-settings-manager
You may set the Bluetooth Manager to autostart in xfce4-settings-manager



to see those options.

On 2012-08-17 17:36, conram wrote:

> You have to configure it in xfce4-settings-manager
> You may set the Bluetooth Manager to autostart in
> xfce4-settings-manager

It complains that:

Unable to start “gnome-control-center bluetooth”
Failed to execute child process “gnome-control-center” (No such file or directory)

But gnome-bluetooth is installed. It probably wants the gnome-control-center, but installing that
brings in 30 other packages :frowning:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 “Asparagus” GM (bombadillo))

I guess yes, it needs gnome-control-center
There is also a command to set-up bluetooth that I see in /usr/applications
It is called


Not sure if this is associated with xfce because this machine has a KDE4.x installed also.

On 2012-08-17 18:56, conram wrote:

> I guess yes, it needs gnome-control-center

Ok, I’ll eat the pill.

> There is also a command to set-up bluetooth that I see in
> /usr/applications
> It is called
> Code:
> --------------------
> bluetooth-wizard
> --------------------
> Not sure if this is associated with xfce because this machine has a
> KDE4.x installed also.

No, it is part of gnome.

Pity, I have just installed those 30 packages, I wonder if they are necesary knowing of that
program. I have to logout anyway and find out if xfce sees it or not, or if I have to use nautilus.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 “Asparagus” GM (bombadillo))

On 2012-08-17 19:15, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> Pity, I have just installed those 30 packages, I wonder if they are necesary knowing of that
> program. I have to logout anyway and find out if xfce sees it or not, or if I have to use nautilus.

Log out, in, and I now see automatically the BT icon in my panel. However, preferences says that BT
is disabled, and it does not allow to click it on.

I’m also trying “bluetooth-wizard”, I tell it to scan devices, it finds none.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 “Asparagus” GM (bombadillo))