X server not starting anymore

After I upgraded my tumbleweed yesterday (Mar 3, kernel 6.2.1), the graphical login prompt never appears, only console login is possible. Last known working version was about 1 week ago (Feb 27, kernel 6.1.2).

sddm log output:

Mar 04 08:42:24 soot sddm[3770]: Initializing…
Mar 04 08:42:24 soot sddm[3770]: Starting…
Mar 04 08:42:24 soot sddm[3770]: Logind interface found

Then it hangs. There is no attempt to start the Xorg server. During previous boots, sddm would continue to log

Feb 27 16:39:01 soot sddm[3933]: Adding new display on vt 7 …
Feb 27 16:39:01 soot sddm[3933]: Loading theme configuration from “”
Feb 27 16:39:01 soot sddm[3933]: Display server starting…
Feb 27 16:39:01 soot sddm[3933]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -auth /run/s>

Any idea what could be causing sddm to hang at this point?

(While at first glance this sounds similar to Display not found/no graphical mode at startup since kernel 6.1.7 in Tumbleweed - #2 by arvidjaar in my case the X server isn’t even trying to start.)

Do you have secure boot enabled? If so, please see this thread (near the bottom)

Thanks. That was not it, but it got me looking in the right direction.

The problem was that the legacy nvidia driver I’m using is apparently not source- compatible with kernel 6.2. So it failed to build after the kernel upgrade, which I failed to notice. Got it working with some hacking, but I hope nvidia will update their driver soon.