WUSB54GC on SuSE 11-64bit working

Since I couldnt get my broadcom wifi working on my new laptop (dv9925nr), I bought a Linksys WUSB54GC usb wifi adapter based on the rt73 chipset.

This is on a vanilla SuSE 11-64bit install.

I downloaded


decompressed it. after that cd into the directory it creates.
then cd into the “Modules” directory.

make sure you have kernel sources etc…

do a ‘make’

su to root

then do ‘make install’

as root…

yast2 lan

you “should” see a “Compact wireless-g usb adapter” set up. EDIT it with whatever your configuratino requires (WEP/WPA, etc).

In “GLOBAL OPTIONS” I have “User Controlled with NetworkManager” checked just because its easier.

Thats what got it working for me. If it works for you, then enjoy.
