This Compact Wireless-G USB adapter works fine in ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10, so I know it works, but I can’t get it running in openSuse 11.

I have already loaded the driver rt73.inf (came from the cd) through ndiswrapper and still nothing. Just to make sure, I tried to install it again, and got:

driver rt73 is already installed

With that being said, I’m entering in the right information when I go to configure my network settings (Administrator Settings -> Network Devices - > Network Settings -> edit).

However, when I go through it all, nothing happens. The light never lights up to say that it has a signal, and it can never connect to anything. I am at a loss as to what to do.

iwconfig leads to it not having an SSID, or anything of use.

Anyone have any ideas, or have any ideas to point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

I can not help you with the utmost solution (I am struggling with a Linksys one). But I can explain a little about the message you see. I suppose it comes from ndiswrapper -l. Yes? Well it means that ndiswrapper can not do its work because there is already a module for the same task (rt73). in the kernel.

AFAIK the are are basicly two sulutions to this:
a) do not use ndiswraper but the rt73 module (that means you do not need ndiswrapper, a native driver is already there).
b) remove the rt73 module and go for ndiswrapper. This would include blacklisting the module for the next reboot.

As said, this is the theory, but I failed to put this into practice with my Linksys, so I hope others can help you with the details.



iwlist scan

should be your friends (might need root privileges). If they both yield satisfactory results and your wireless is configured correctly in YaST (MAC recognized - not giving you “hardware unknown” or “interface unconfigured” or anything along that lines) – then you should just add a connection with knetworkmanager (if running KDE) or the equivalent applet (if running other desktop).
For exhaustive instructions check out the wireless stickies in the Networking > Wireless forum, and swerdna’s excellent wireless tutorial.
Good Luck and happy wireless surfing!!!