Write ISO to /boot directory in microOS

I want to modify Grub2 configuration to boot an ISO; this ISO is VeraCrypt Rescue CD image.
The intention is that Grub2 is loading VeraCypt’s bootloader in order to decrypt Windows system partition.

However, I cannot simply copy file(s) to /boot because this directory is read-only.
Can you please advise how to proceed here?


I’ll suggest two possible methods.

Method 1: Put your changes in “/etc/grub.d/40_custom”. And then update with

transactional-update grub.cfg

Method 2: Use “transactional-update shell” to modify grub.cfg.

Either way, you will then need to reboot for the changes to take effect. Use method 2 for a temporary change. Use method1 for a permanent change.

I’m aware of the procedure for modifying grub.
However I need to copy 2 files to /boot directory:

  • /usr/share/syslinux/memdisk
  • VeraCrypt_rescue.iso

I cannot copy files to /boot because this directory is read-only.

I could write files to directory /boot/writable/; should I use this directory?

Please advise how to proceed.

I’m not familiar with whatever it is that you are wanting to do.

Yes, you could put them in “/boot/writable”, but I don’t know whether that would work for what you are doing.

You can always use a transactional-update shell (as root user) to write to “/boot”. And then you need to reboot before you can find them in “/boot”. Without knowing more about what you expect to do, I cannot tell whether that’s a bad idea.

I am experimenting with MicroOS in a VM. I don’t have it on a regular system.

Can you do what you want by booting from a USB?

Those files need not be in /boot. They can be in any other directory/filesystem that can be accessed by grub.