WoW not working under WINE anymore

In the topic it is mentioned, that the latest patch for WoW changed how networking works, so will not work under older versions of several distros running WINE. I’ve checked the solutions, but the is not in any of the official repos, and the gnutls was not installed, but installing it did not solve the problem. It was also noted, that since openSUSE has a slower release cycle, it might not be updated for a while. I’m not sure how it works, but is there a way for a non-technical person to fix it somehow?

Thanks in advance.

From what I read on the linked reference you provided, there are 2 approaches to your problem,

Update Method
The update method is confirmed to work for Ubuntu, ArchLinux, Gentoo and Debian and should be viewed as the more “official” approach. The benefits of the update method are that it does not require installing any unofficial wine patches, building wine from source or doing anything especially complicated.

You can install gnutls from the following page
Then update your system

zypper up

Patch Method
This method will probably work for all Linux distributions, although binaries have not been precompiled for all distributions. This method’s main advantages are that it fills the void left by the lack of an update method for some distributions and that it’s pretty simple (it summarizes to download and replace a file). It’s main disadvantage is that you will either have to build wine from source (the discussion of this begins on page 11) or download a binary library that may not be optimized for your computer or could break your wine installation or cause issues with Windows applications that depend on the legacy behavior (a binary version is available on page 16 of this thread).

So, for this method you can either rebuild WINE from source or investigate the various pre-compiled binaries at the referenced Page 16.


Problem was solved by rebuilding the

Now encountered a WINE bug that doesn’t let me play. Can I install the 1.9.8 development version somehow?

Added this repo, deleted WINE, and installed WINE snapshot. Done and done.

For some reason loading screens seem to freeze for loading the first time, but afterwards, it runs smoothly.