World Of Tanks doesn't work anymore in the last OpenSuse Builds.

In the last OpenSuse builds Word Of Tanks doesn’t work anymore (last two months, or so).

when i start via Lutris, the game starts and then simply stops.

Monitored process exited.
Exit with return code 0
2022-12-10 13:56:07,707: Game still running (state: running)
2022-12-10 13:56:07,708: Stopping wot (wine)

if i start via Konsole using

wine WorldOfTanks.exe

The game starts, it loads correctly, but i see all servers off line.
I’m unable to connect, as if my internet connection is not working.

I have tried with firewall stopped, but situation is the same.

While the WGC (Wargaming Game Center) works, i can update the game.

In the past the game worked correctly either via Lutris, either via Konsole/wine.
If anyone has some idea, any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Just in case the following is helpful…

Maybe consider posting there as well, since this is unlikely to be openSUSE-specific.

First of all, thanks for trying to help.

I have more feedback, maybe you have some idea.
I have an OpenSuse Tumbleweed on VirtualBox for testing purposes.
I have shared the WOT installation folder from Host machine and i am running successfully WOT from Virtualbox.
It is connecting and i am able to play. The fps is very bad though, as expected.
So it is some problem on my host machine.

From my host machine if i run via Konsole/wine i see this error between the various lines.

002c:err:winediag:getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP

i have googled but did not find a solution yet.


Not sure that this is an issue as such. For example, I get the same when launching notepad.exe…

~> wine notepad.exe 002c:err:winediag:getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP 0108:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (0x36c200, 1): stub 0108:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (00010058, 0036C200): stub 0050:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (0x16a760, 0): stub 0050:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0000000000010020, 000000000016A760): stub

Problem solved.

Solution i have found was on WineHQ forum .

i had to edit /etc/hosts file
i have modified line #12
was: localhost
renamed to: localhost mycomputername

to get my computer name i ran the command “hostname” in the Konsole

Now WOT is working.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

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