Won't connect to network

I installed 11.2 yesterday, and I haven’t been able to connect to my university’s wireless network. My wireless card is working and can scan for available networks, but when i try and connect, this window pops up:
The network uses:
WPA Enterprise

I have tried using both peap 0 and peap 1 with no luck.
Did i set something wrong? I had no problems in 11.1.
Thanks in advance.

Nevermind, I realized that for some reason the wireless gateway wasn’t being found by using route -n. I just used route add default gw to manually add the right gateway.

On 11/13/2009 10:46 PM, Meatwad wrote:
> Nevermind, I realized that for some reason the wireless gateway wasn’t
> being found by using route -n. I just used route add default gw to
> manually add the right gateway.

That happens when the wired and wireless interfaces are both set to “start on
boot”. Change the wired one to “ifplugd”, and it should be OK.

Thanks, that has saved me from having to add the gateway every time i reboot.