After zypper up this morning I can no longer boot my Tumbleweed installation.
This is the end of the output I get:
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: Could not boot.
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: /dev/mapper/system-root does not exist
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: /dev/system/root does not exist
dracut-initqueue[315]: Failed to start dracut-emergency.service: Transaction is destructive.
dracut-initqueue[315]: See system logs and 'systemctl status dracut-emergency.service' for details.
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: Not all disks have been found.
dracut-initqueue[315]: Warning: You might want to regenerate your initramfs.
It’s Lenovo ThinkPad T470s and I have just one SSD in it. It’s dual boot with Win 10 and for OpenSUSE I use btrfs on an encrypted partition with a separate /boot. I will post my fdisk below.
I tried to boot a recovery live system and regenerate the initramfs but with no success - it still doesn’t boot and it fails in the same way.
I’m not sure what system logs I should check. Also, can I check ‘systemctl status dracut-emergency.service’ if I’m not able to boot? I can only boot a rescue system and chroot.
Any idea how to fix it or at least how to boot to an older btrfs snapshot? I thought that bootable snapshots will be available in GRUB but apparently not in my setup :-/
1 - zypper up on tumbleweed? perhaps chroot and try zypper dup? (maybe then dracut if not triggered)
2 - your saying at the initial grub screen where you get the option to boot tumbleweed you dont get several other options including ‘boot from snapshot’ (i cant remember exact wording)
If I used zypper up, the worst thing that could happen is that some packages are not updated, correct? Or could this be what broke my system? I tried to chroot from rescue live system and do zypper dup but it didn’t fix the booting issue.
im a little out my depth esp. with encrypted root, but…
1 - if you are on BTRFS AND have snapshots but dont have menu i would guess there is a way to manually set which snapshot to boot* (from live system?), try google. (no idea why you would not have the correct snapshot boot entry)
2 - last snapshot updated systemd, (IF zypper up is the cause) then perhaps you have just been unlucky in your ‘partial’ update.
*[snapper etc are just wrappers around basic btrfs functionality]
1 - I tried to google how to do it but wasn’t successful so far. I’ll keep trying though.
2 - If this was the case, shouldn’t zypper dup in the chroot have fixed it?
for 1, speaking loosely from from hazy recollections what btrfs boots to is essentially set by a pointer/link i.e. what ‘@’ points to. This is very easy to change from terminal. hopefully there is a grub cmd option or something. if your googling dont just include ‘opensuse’ (since everything btrfs is automated) youll often get the low down commands from people who implemented btrfs on e.g. ubuntu arch etc.
I’m not able to figure it out. I tried this: Btrfs - ArchWiki and added rootflags=subvol=/.snapshots/202 into the GRUB options (also tried rootflags=subvol=/.snapshots/202/snapshot) to try and boot into my latest snapshot but it fails in the same way.
As for the missing snapshots in GRUB menu, can it be because I have a separate /boot partition which is not BTRFS but EXT4? I thought this is necessary for encrypted setup so that GRUB can be loaded.
Had the same issue yesterday after doing zypper dup on Tumbleweed. No BTRFS here, just ext4 and LVM on LUKS. Got things working after hacking modules.d/90crypt/ so that it does not parse crypttab contents and just copies the whole thing to initrd.
There are no backups of ramdisks that mkinitrd overwrites, so I have no idea how things looked like when everything was working :\
Something like this (I messed around a lot and maybe some more steps are needed)
At emergency prompt, unlock the LUKS partition manually with cryptsetup, LVM kicked in and my root was mounted in /sysroot automatically
Remount /sysroot read-write
Bind mount dev, proc, run, sys under /sysroot
chroot to /sysroot
Mount boot partition to /boot
Edit /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90crypt/ and add ‘cat /etc/crypttab > $initdir/etc/crypttab’ after ‘mark_hostonly /etc/crypttab’