Wireless update in 11.3

OK, I’ll admit it. I’m slow on the draw, so I’m still on 11.3, but there are still updates.

The latest update a few days ago said it was for keeping the connection open, so I let Yast do it’s thing.

Now, I am unable to manually connect to WiFi access points. I have to tick the “connect automatically” box in the wireless set up.

Is there a way to get back my ability to manually connect to an access point? If so, please tell.

Thanks in advance.

Hi HealingMindNOS
Found myself in the same boat as you - security upgrade (yesterday) affected NetworkManager KDE4 resulting in no wireless connection. /sbin/iwlist scan showed hardware ok
so under Yast - software management selected networkmanager KDE4 and using version tab went back to the earlier one . : )