Wireless problem in fujitsu amilo pro v3405

I have installed the distro openSUSE 12 in a laptop fujitsu siements amilo pro v3405 and everything was installed without problem. Just I have a problem with the wireless card. It detects it but it says that is not enabled. Also while every shortcut is working (audio, brightness, lock, etc) the shortcut for wireless activation is not (fn+f10) what can i do?

Any answer? Solution ?

I got same problem with Fujitsu Amilo Pro v8010D with Open Suse 13 …

Plase help

Well, I hope so. That post is from 2010…

I got same problem with Fujitsu Amilo Pro v8010D with Open Suse 13 …

Plase help

Maybe you should start with telling what wireless chip you have:

lspci -nnk

And what is your actual problem?
Does your card show in YaST->Network Devices->Network Settings, but not in NetworkManager, maybe? You have to enable NetworkManager there in “Global Options” to make NetworkManager (or the network management applets in KDE and GNOME) work.

And maybe you should better ask in the Wireless forum… (have a look at the stickies there first, though)
http://forums.opensuse.org/forumdisplay.php/676-WirelessI’d suggest that you just open a new thread there with some more information about your system and your problem.