wireless internet installation

Is it possible to do the internet installation over a wireless network?

for sure you can do it.
But i think it will take a bit more time than with LAN

I’ve 1 problem now, I made an internet disk on my USB with unetbootin. But it ask for the ip and not the website. And I forgot the ip. And maybe I need to say that I’ve a password on my wireless network. How do I give it the pass? So I’ve the unetbootin version with barely got any grapics. So maybe it the wrong version also. Can someone profite me some information about give pass and if I’ve the right version?

Thanks, I appriciate it.

NOTE: I’ve only a windows vista availeble to make a usb network stick. Or if you know a good other way to install openSUSE without a cd with only windows as availeble OS. ((So no console commands etc.)) Tell me please… and I was also wondering if I it’s the best to wait until release of openSUSE 11.1 ?

NOTE2: I use a CN-WF518 as wireless network card. It works with ZDAS zd1211…

1 ) wireless install will only work if your wireless drivers are part of the network install media,as, the network install needs to know what device to use.Therefore if the drivers aren’t there,you will need to re-master the disk with the drivers. Once done,you will need to know your router’s Essid & encryption to connect.& it all needs to be done via cli :slight_smile:
2 ) Installation without CD - openSUSE read this for further help


deltaflyer44 wrote:
> 1 ) wireless install will only work if your wireless drivers are part of
> the network install media,as, the network install needs to know what
> device to use.Therefore if the drivers aren’t there,you will need to
> re-master the disk with the drivers. Once done,you will need to know
> your router’s Essid & encryption to connect.& it all needs to be done
> via cli :slight_smile:
> 2 ) ‘Installation without CD - openSUSE’
> (http://en.opensuse.org/Installation_without_CD) read this for further
> help

In addition, your wireless device MUST not need external firmware.

I have an NET installation running right now with an RTL8187B; however, my other
two wireless devices cannot be used because of the firmware issue.


Well, it’s an external wireless USB stick. So that should work?

It may work, or it may not work. Only way to find out is to try it & see. But, as we have said, if the device needs drivers which are not built-in,& you don’t re-master the net disk,it won’t work. Also, as it’s usb, you will need the usb sub-system to access it


louchewidlin wrote:
> Well, it’s an external wireless USB stick. So that should work?

One of mine that won’t work is an external wireless stick that uses the p54usb
driver. It needs firmware to work.
