wireless card in Asus laptop

Yast detected that I have wireless card AR 5006 EG 802.11bg NIC. But, I cannot see it in Network card setup part of YAst. IS there any moduke available so I can install it.
I use OPen SuSe 10.3 with rt kernel.



welcome to the forums;

have you had a chance to read the stickie at the top of the wireless forum; folks often ask that you read it; and post some of the data that it asks for; in your initial posting;

My wireless doesn’t work - a primer on what I should do next - openSUSE Forums

there is this solution for Atheros posted immediately below this entry:

[Solution]Atheros AR242x - Suse11 - pae kernel - openSUSE Forums](http://forums.opensuse.org/network-internet/wireless/396325-solution-atheros-ar242x-suse11-pae-kernel.html)

if you google on “Atheros 5006” you get such entries as:

Linux Mint Forums • View topic - Solution for Atheros AR 5006 / 5007 Cards

from linux mint, that uses debian packages; Suse needs rpm or the source code of tar.gz

but you may find following the steps in the linux mint allows you to see how some packages get installed; and compare it to the solution posted above in the suse forum


Someone from freenode opensuse IRC channel instructed me to check on opensuse.org madwifi installation and moduels for ATheroc wifi card.
It worked :slight_smile:
