Wired internet - keep loosing connection

Opensuse 11.2 - wired internet connection

I keep losing internet connectivity from within OpenSuse. I’ve had ubuntu/kubuntu beforeand never had a problem. I installed opensuse and now after a few minutes of browsing I’ll lose my internet connection.

I also dual boot into winXP without any problems.

Please help me diagnose issue. I noticed that when the connection is lost I can’t even reach my router - which is where I’m getting the wired connection from.

So it’s not just the outside internet but the local network too. It only happens within opensuse.


Lets see what device you have
In a terminal do

/sbin/lspci -nnk

Post result

Here is the network relevant part of the output:

02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller [10ec:8168] (rev 01)
        Subsystem: Giga-byte Technology GA-EP45-DS5 Motherboard [1458:e000]
        Kernel driver in use: r8169

I have exact same symptoms. If I take out the network cable and then plug it back in, the network works again for a minute but then breaks again.

On 12/30/2009 05:56 PM, msehgal wrote:
> I have exact same symptoms. If I take out the network cable and then
> plug it back in, the network works again for a minute but then breaks
> again.

Is the link light going off? These symptoms are exactly what one sees with a
cable contact problem, or if the locking tab is broken.

The link light stays on. When I boot the same PC with Windows XP, the network keeps running without any problems.

RESOLVED! Based on recommendations in Network Card (eth0) Is Not Running - openSUSE Forums

I blacklisted the “tulip” driver and used “dmfe” and the network doesn’t break anymore,

Excellent. I was just going to post the results of a Google search on that particular card, and it does appear to be a driver issue. Also, the problem does NOT just affect Linux. There are complaints all over the Web from Windows 7 and Mac users – apparently, the latest Realtek drivers have a problem.

That a driver change should cure your problem doesn’t surprise me, in other words. Glad to hear it! :slight_smile:

@msehgal: you messed up the thread! The original poster has a “Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller”. So nothing is “solved”.

@baha_man: I had issues with the RTL8111/8168B as well. r8169 as selected by yast is the wrong driver. Blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and compile the latest r8168 driver from the Realtek website. Install that one.

Good luck, and please report here when it works (or does not work) because this seems to be a very common problem.

wow - mseghal nice way of hijacking the thread

anyway, here is the latest info. I have my pc connected via ethernet cable to my linksys wrt54gl router with dd-wrt firmware

In the router admin page there is an item “Active IP connections” with a max of 512

On opensuse with 10 open FF tabs and 20 minutes browsing that number goes to 495 - 95% and then my router hangs

On windows 30 open tabs 2 hours browsing that number stays around 60 - 12% and I don’t have any problems

I had used Ubuntu 9.04 before and never any problems.

Any ideas as to what can cause that many open connections on linux or how I can analyze it ?

many thanks.