
Why not just make all the wine (windows) libs , available under Linux

You got the wine libs why not compile them to run on Linux???

The you don’t need wine… I installed Wine and can’t get a console window to open under FBIDE

My graphic windows open , programs using SCREEN statement , but i can’t get a console to open…

??? Wine attempts to reproduce the windows system libraries with its own custom versions. It’s not a trivial undertaking and full compatibility would be impossible to achieve without support from M$.

The you don’t need wine… I installed Wine and can’t get a console window to open under FBIDE

Perhaps you should consider running Windows in a VM if you need a true windows environment for this. You haven’t posted in a help forum, so maybe you should do that if you are seeking support. However, this issue isn’t openSUSE-specific, so I’d consider posting in a wine forum instead.