I just installed WINE version 5.8 from YaST Software.
I am trying to run a Windows game on openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE 64Bit.
I tried clicking on the EXE and opening with WINE and nothing happens.
I then ran the EXE using WINE in terminal and it shows below error message:
“Unable to initialize: Audio target ‘pulse’ not available”?
I tried to follow the suggestion to make audio work on SDL game using Linux WINE.
Get below error message when ran from terminal:
jlp@SortaFastDesktop:~/Desktop/VM-SHARE/4OLD_12-30-2018/4OLD_02-27-2018/OLDWebsitesOLD/16bitsoft.com/files/offline/TC4T-WinLinux-Retail1> wine TC4T-WinLinux-Retail1.exe
JeZxLee's ''GT-R Twin TurboCharged'' game engine started!
Unable to initialize SDL2: Audio target '""' not available
Little lost, any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Maybe it would help if this is moved this to the Games subsection of the forums. To me it looks as the natural place where games users are gathering. Do you want me to move it?