WINE launching programs from the Desktop

I am having an issue with the latest stable version of opensuse when trying to launch wine applications from the desktop, or even creating shortcuts to them. When I launch them from the Wine - Windows explorer, the programs work just fine, but for some reason clicking on the link from the desktop for the application simply sits there clocking and eventually gives up. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

If you create the launcher on the Desktop yourself. It can be very tricky get the path correct

Granted yes, and thank you for the quick reply. What I am looking for is a bit of assistance getting wine to launch a windows application from the desktop, if I could trouble someone? Would someone be able to provide a simple example by chance? Thank you again in advance.

@you forgot to mention the desktop you use
For example on GNOME i can do this HowTo: Create Wine Application Shortcuts on Ubuntu using “alacarte”
But in KDE the approach might slightly be different

I have a application

Here are the settings


env WINEPREFIX="/home/kernelcruncher/.wine" wine C:\\APPLICATION_NAME\\application.exe

Working Path:


The actual Icon is:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/kernelcruncher/.wine" wine C:\\\\APPLICATION_NAME\\\\application.exe

Obviously you need to check and modify according to your user path and the APPLICATION
Where you see APPLICATION you need the Application you are working with

I think if you put the wine executable in quotes, you can use regular path name syntax, i.e., in your case:

Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/kernelcruncher/.wine" wine "C:APPLICATION_NAME\\\\application.exe


Exec=wine "/home/kernelcruncher/.wine/drive_c/APPLICATION_NAME/application.exe"

On Sat, 02 Feb 2013 22:26:01 GMT, debarber
<> wrote:

>caf4926;2524120 Wrote:
>> If you create the launcher on the Desktop yourself. It can be very
>> tricky get the path correct
>Granted yes, and thank you for the quick reply. What I am looking for
>is a bit of assistance getting wine to launch a windows application from
>the desktop, if I could trouble someone? Would someone be able to
>provide a simple example by chance? Thank you again in advance.

I have firefox that works correctly. Looking at properties->application
tab for command i have:

env WINEPREFIX="/home/joseph2k/.wine" wine “C:\Program Files\Mozilla

For work path i have:

/home/joseph2k/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox

You could try to use this as a template for your application.
