WiFi Hotspot

Hello all

I’m connecting my cell phone to the internet through WiFi. The problem is that every time I login to my account I must set WiFi to hotspot, so is there any way to do this automatically?

Thanks in advance for any help :slight_smile:

Is it impossible? :question:

Maybe you haven’t shared enough information for to others to gain an accurate picture of what you’ve tried etc. First up, I’m using NetworkManager to manage my network connections. In an effort to assist you, I just defined a hotspot connection and configured it to ‘Automatically connect to this network when it is available’. My DHCP ehtnernet connection is configured similarly. When I restarted NM, up came the network configuration as desired, with hotpot active.

For reference, my hotspot connection (defined in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory) looks like this





Hope this helps.


On 08/23/2015 01:36 PM, Klassic Six wrote:
> Hello all
> I’m connecting my cell phone to the internet through WiFi. The problem
> is that every time I login to my account I must set WiFi to hotspot, so
> is there any way to do this automatically?
> Thanks in advance for any help :slight_smile:

If you are referring to your account on the phone you may need to
contact the carrier. If the question is in regard to the phone being in
“hotspot” mode, I’m not sure you can have it do that automatically.
If you are asking about a digital device that connects to the hotspot
you’ll need to let us know what the device is so we help you further.


I’m not familiar with the Gnome NM interface, but with KDE it is possible to configure an network connection so that it connects automatically. My advice it to check how the connection is defined. (Refer to the configuration that I shared previously.)

From what the OP has posted so far, this is about sharing the wireless connection via openSUSE (using NM). Not about sharing the internet via a mobile broadband device.

This guide might be helpful

For NetworkManager to automatically use a certain connection, activate the following option for this connection: Connect Automatically (KDE) or Stay connected when possible (GNOME).