Wifi (Broadcom 43438) not work on Raspberry Pi 3

Hi there,

I’ve bought a RPI3 a month ago. I’ve intalled Raspian Jessi and all works fine. However, as a opesuse user, I’ve intalled opensuse tumbleweed last week from http://download.opensuse.org/reposit…rryPi3/images/ on it (tested both, JeOS and XFCE) but wifi it doesn´t work :’(.

I’ve tried to check drivers/firmware and all seems ok in their latest versions. Is that a known bug in opensuse?

In /lib/firmware/brcm/ already exists files called:brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin,
brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt (which is a symlink to brcmfmac43430-sdio-raspberrypi3b.txt)
among others…

I suppose that would be the correct firmware files because the RPI3 wifi chipset is Broadcom BCM43438.

All mi opensuse system is up-to-date (kernel version “Linux vfltst38 4.4.30-7-default #1 SMP Tue Nov 8 06:02:03 UTC 2016 (2b8fe9f) aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux”). And specific broadcom and RPI3 files installed are (already included in the downloaded image):raspberrypi-firmware,
among others…

Not wireless device is detected (wlan0 or whatever) using ifconfig -a or iwconfig commands. And no device is detected using lsusb, although module brcmfmac is loaded on boot.

What woiuld I do to make wifi work? I’m stuck…
Thanks a lot


See this:


…but unfortunately even this:


I have no idea who invented this “random-MAC” nonsense, it makes the non-upstream raspi2 TW unusable for me.

And btw: The developers of TW for ARM don’t post here. Never. Dunno why.

Might be very interesting for you, SLES for Raspi 3:


OMG! Thanks a lot suse_rasputin!!!

The instructions of your first link works great!

As for the second link, I’ve got the same nonsense “random-MAC” issue using NetworkManager. However, currently I’m testing using wicked and there is no “random-MAC” until now. Maybe it could be a solution for you.

Tomorrow I’ll try SLES for Raspi3, just to know if it’s a better solution.

Thanks again!