wi-fi and firewall -network settings

This is my first post on the forum, I ussing OpenSuse 11 and I’m really enjoying it. Anyway it seems something 's wrong

My wi-fi is working fine, I can conect to the wireless network and to Internet, but my wlan0 interface appears at Yast >network devices > Network setting like pending setup. Then when I want to setup the Yast firewall at security and users my wlan0 isn’t listed so I can select it.

I’ve tryied to setup the wireless interface at Yast >network devices > Network setting but then I can’t connect to Internet, does anyone knows what should I do?

Thanks in advance!

Have a look at the stickies at the start of this section,lots of good info there


Thanks I`ve already read them, they are excelent , in fact I think I have my wi-fi running thanks to this notes.

My question is,am I in danger? Isn’t the firewall protecting me?
Maybe using “any” at the firewall solves it? I don’t really know.

I`m confused ,Yast says that the wireless wlan0 is pending but it works!

In Yast wireless devices
is your device correctly identified?

there is not usually much to configure - most network devices work with DHCP setting, managed by user with network manager. Other than that there is the settings for SSID and authentication.

Then just use network manager from the panel to manage connections
add connections there with the SSID and passphrase
connect and save, (somewhere in there there is a connect auto to check too)

I think so, at Yast >network devices > network setting it says

name:PRO/Wireless 3945…
IP Adress :none

This device isnt configured . CLick edit to setup

but then when I want to select it to be included in the Security and users >Firewall it just doesnt appear, how can I include my wlan0 so it’s protected?

want to select it to be included in the Security and users >Firewall

Not necessary
Already protected