Wi-Fi 6 AX200 Network Card

In my eternal (infernal) continuing search for a WiFi solutions that actually works with linux (having had various cards/USB devices that “sort of” work “intermittently”), have come across the latest iteration that, in theory, has built in support in the kernel ( >V5.1), in the shape of https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/AU-Intel-Wi-Fi-6-AX200-Network-Card-802-11AX-MU-MIMO-80-80MHz-160MHz-Bluetooth-5/113979838771?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649. These are readily available, but all seem to be in the guise of an M.2 package.
Has anyone come across/used these (and they worked?) but would obviously need some sort of adaptor, similar to: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/M-2-Wifi-Adapter-M2-Ngff-Key-A-E-To-Mini-Pci-Express-Wifi-Raiser-PCI-E-1X-N-X1V9/283714775854?hash=item420eb7eb2e:g:3cYAAOSwQvhd-g3k&frcectupt=true
Does anyone know if this will actually work, or am I just dreaming??
Any (nice) suggestions, appreciated.

I confirm that the Intel WiFi Network card AX200 needs a kernel 5.1 (or above).
In my PC it works with Leap15.1 (upgrading Kernel to 5.4 - no way to get it works with distribution Kernel 4.12) and Tumbleweed (Kernel 5.3 & 5.4).