Why is This Site So Grim?

I can’t recall ever laughing or even smiling at a single time at anything I have read on this site.

And I wonder if my post will be deleted or moved if I try to lighten up the mood. Is there some kind of management crisis brewing behind the scenes? Did the mods have their once-generous salaries cut? Or is this just “the way things are done around here”?

I am seriously thinking about switching distros, just because of the awful, joyless atmosphere around here. And since the forums combined, there’s nowhere else to go except to another distro.

What gives?

Dunno. Maybe you could get a friend to tickle you while you read the forum? :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, why don’t you post some jokes to start it off. I’m sure somebody somewhere in the world has done something loony today.

foresthill wrote:
> I can’t recall ever laughing or even smiling at a single time at
> anything I have read on this site.
> And I wonder if my post will be deleted or moved if I try to lighten up
> the mood. Is there some kind of management crisis brewing behind the
> scenes? Did the mods have their once-generous salaries cut? Or is this
> just “the way things are done around here”?
> I am seriously thinking about switching distros, just because of the
> awful, joyless atmosphere around here. And since the forums combined,
> there’s nowhere else to go except to another distro.
> What gives?
This has been talked about before but what does the mood have anything
to due with the staff? If things are too serious here, why not try and
lighten things up? This is a forum for the community so as I see it, the
community is who should be dictating the atmosphere.

I would agree that it is a bit clinical here, but I don’t read this site for fun stuff (I have my alumni BB for that).

You could post a ‘Funny Videos’ or ‘Pictures’ thread. That way, people get a chance to post some humor and lighten up a bit.

foresthill wrote:
> What gives?

perhaps you just overlook them…for example, i sometimes post
things i think are funny…

  • like just a few days ago a guy said his machine was all screwed up
    after he did XYZ, and asked what should he do…i answered to
    restore his working system from the back up he made before doing
    XYZ—i thought that was funny!!

  • or like this one: http://xkcd.com/196/

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

Ahh, XKCD! I love that site.

I read lots of funny things on this forums every day.
They are usually things newbs do or ask about. :wink:

There once was a girl from Nantucket…err wait, wrong forum.

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 12:26:02 +0000, foresthill wrote:

> I can’t recall ever laughing or even smiling at a single time at
> anything I have read on this site.

Because people are asking questions like this rather than making
jokes. :slight_smile:


Well I joke when I ask especially when I mess up and it is totally my fault lol

On 09/22/2008 ken yap wrote:
> Dunno. Maybe you could get a friend to tickle you while you read the
> forum? :stuck_out_tongue:

Now how do I get the message to Novell marketing?


On 09/22/2008 DenverD wrote:
> perhaps you just overlook them…for example, i sometimes post
> things i think are funny…

Must… resist… <BG>


On 09/22/2008 foresthill wrote:
> I am seriously thinking about switching distros, just because of the
> awful, joyless atmosphere around here.


Wait… Was it meant to be a joke?


On 09/22/2008 69_rs_ss wrote:
> This has been talked about before but what does the mood have
> anything to due with the staff?

Let ME out of that. I’m German: We do world wars, genocide and all that unpleasant stuff. I guess that’s the reason why I chose the distro with the least funny forum staff.


>> This has been talked about before but what does the mood have
>> anything to due with the staff?
> Let ME out of that. I’m German: We do world wars, genocide and all that
> unpleasant stuff. I guess that’s the reason why I chose the distro with
> the least funny forum staff.


On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 17:23:54 +0000, Uwe Buckesfeld wrote:

> On 09/22/2008 69_rs_ss wrote:
>> This has been talked about before but what does the mood have anything
>> to due with the staff?
> Let ME out of that. I’m German: We do world wars, genocide and all that
> unpleasant stuff. I guess that’s the reason why I chose the distro with
> the least funny forum staff.
> Uwe

LOL, that’s one of the funniest things I’ve read today. :slight_smile:


> What gives?

Perhaps you were expecting Seinfeld? Wrong forum.
OpenSUSE can’t afford the big name talents so
we have Uwe.

Since it’s a German site, I was expecting lot more people like this guy:


“Your support questions have become tiresome . . . Now’s the time in Open Suse ven ve dance!”

does spastic dance to loud industrial music and strobe lights

He, he, now it is a joke. lol!

"Have you ever noticed that sometimes, when you’re in a hurry, you try to log in as “root” only you accidently try to log in as


I hate it when that happens."

“And what’s the deal with this program called WINE, which stands for “Wine Is Not an Emulator”. Is it an emulator or not? I’d really like to know this at some point.”

And YAST? What is that all about? Is it supposed to sound like “yeast” or something? Does it expand and give off gas bubbles if you add flour and water to it? Who are the ad wizards who came up with that name?"

“Thank you ladies and gentlemen, you’ve been a great audience!”