why doesnt opensuse config ethernet automactily ?

ive just installed opensuse (ive used fedora before this)and im having problems connecting to my internet via ethernet im just woundering why it dosent detect it automactily or is that just me having problems and how would i solve it. ive tred using network manager done everything manualy but nothing. hope someone can help

By default it’s set to fetch it’s own IP just like on any other OS I know off.
Try disabling ip6 in YaST network settings.

If that does not resolve you problem try the ifconfig command in a console as root. (sudo ifconfig didn’t work for me, so do a su (fill in password) followed by ifconfig).
That’s the best best command I can up with atm to check if the network card is recognised, do some googling for a better one or wait for someone else to respond.

Also alot of networks require the ‘Request Broadcast Response’ to be enabled (otherwise DNS will not function properly).

This can be set in Yast-Network-DHCP Options

Execute this script and post the generated log file. That will provide the requested infos about your network config and help us to help you.