Why does MicroOS have a separate /var partition

Hey all,

MicroOS ships with a separate /var partition. As you can read here.

My /root is currently full so I am considering removing the separate partition and using a subvolume just like with /home, /root, /srv, /opt and /usr/local.

I can’t figure out why it’s setup like this in the first place. I read this redhat discussion post that stated that you might want to separate them in case /var fills up. But btrfs can set quoata’s for this.


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No, I cannot read it there. I do not see a single word about /var, separate partition or not.

And at least my MicroOS installation is using subvolume for /var and to my best knowledge it has always been this way.

It’s listed at the download page.

Ah I see, according to Portal:MicroOS/Design - openSUSE Wiki it is because of the use of qgroups on the rootfs which are apparently a large bottleneck.

I still don’t really get how this requires a separate partition but I am not that familiar with qgroups.

OK, looks like appliance images have different disk layout than what self-installing ISO creates.