Who do I complain to???

So I’m the kind of guy the when I get a new toy, read linux distro, I try out all sorts of things with it.

I thought I would install the debug kernel and see what I could learn. Well I learned a lot but it wasn’t good.

I had installed other kernels with yast and they had always been added to the grub menu.lst. No problem. Have an issue booting the kernel just fall back to an old one you know works.

Well when I installed the debug kernel I didn’t check to see if it had removed the old kernels. The other time I installed a kernel it did the proper thing. But when I installed the debug kernel it deleted the entry in grub’s menu.lst. And the debug kernel wouldn’t boot!! Ok fine I’ll just use rescue system and add the entry for the other kernel. But alas the initial ram disk, initrd, had been deleted for the old kernel. Now I’m starting to get a little POed.

OK fine make it harder. I know I installed the kernel source so I will just do a make oldconfig and rebuild the old kernel and initrd. But the kernel will not compile. Now I’m really pissed. I have compiled more kernels then I can possibly remember and I have never had one that didn’t compile. I’m sure it’s some patch suse applied to the source. I could have jumped through hoops and found out why it didn’t compile and fix it but that was more work then I wanted to do.

So now I’m hosed. The only thing I can do is reinstall. Who ever in their lack of wisdom had the debug kernel wipe out the old kernel image should be horse whipped.

So heres a word to the wise. Always backup you boot directory before you F-around with yast putting a new kernel image onto your system. If I had done that I could have been back up fairly easily.

You should be able to boot from the install dvd and repair. There are several ways thru. I have never had this happen as you describe.

As for complaints. Sorry, I have no idea. But I understand you anger.

> As for complaints. Sorry, I have no idea. But I understand you anger.

I do not think it is necessary for anyone here to apologize to someone who did
not have a backup and recovery plan BEFORE s/he set out to “learn something”.

And, s/he DID learn something: “So heres a word to the wise. Always backup you
boot directory before you F-around with yast putting a new kernel image onto
your system.”

See, no apology required!

Nominal Participant wrote:
>> As for complaints. Sorry, I have no idea. But I understand you anger.
> I do not think it is necessary for anyone here to apologize to someone who did
> not have a backup and recovery plan BEFORE s/he set out to “learn something”.
> And, s/he DID learn something: “So heres a word to the wise. Always backup you
> boot directory before you F-around with yast putting a new kernel image onto
> your system.”
> See, no apology required!
That still doesn’t explain why installing the debug kernel behaved in a
way other kernel installs don’t. Nor did I see anyone apologize to the
OP, except for the fact that the poster didn’t know excatly who this
would be brought up to.

I find that there are some people that have a deep personal relationship with their distro. Find anything wrong with it and they get down right pissy. Sort of like you insulted their lover. Mac users are the worst ones in this regard. But you see the same thing with linux distributions as well.

But the real purpose of posting what I did wasn’t to vent, that was only a side effect, but rather to let someone know that yast has a problem, sometimes, when installing a kernel. Hopefully it will get looked at by the person or persons that do that scripting and it won’t happen again. Isn’t that the real reason that linux has come so far so fast. When users can directly inform developers about problems problems tend to get fixed. I would love to file a bug report but I have no idea where to do that with openSuse. And that’s the reason I titled the post the way I did.

And to the person that logged in as a guest, supposedly to hide is normal login name, You just wanted to take a cheap shot at me. This is not uncommon for those with little personal power. One could even call it passive aggressive behavior. Your post added nothing helpful to the thread and only sparked discord. That’s known as being destructive.

If this offends you well I’m sorry. See apologies are so easy and cheap. They should be used often.

Bugs go here:

All reports are looked at seriously. Just supply as much detail as you can.

Enjoy OpenSuse.

dragondaddy wrote:
> I would love to file a bug report but I have no idea where to do that with
> openSuse.

As always, Google is your friend:

  1. Find a Google search blank.
  2. Fill in that blank with file opensuse bug report (no quotes)
  3. Press enter.
  4. Click on 1st found link: <http://en.opensuse.org/Submitting_Bug_Reports>

Then, your unnecessary, untrue, and flaming public RANT of “Who ever in their
lack of wisdom had the debug kernel wipe out the old kernel image should be
horse whipped.” could/would and should have been avoided.


I have had the same problem with the debug kernel. I accidentally installed once (must of accidentally selected it in Yast2 during a software upgrade) and it removed all my previous kernel entries in GRUB. Ouch. Fortunately I was able to boot up a live cd with a normal kernel on a flash drive and chrooted and installed the normal kernel, then manually edited menu.lst

And no, you don’t complain to anyone. You post a bug report. Complaining is best kept to yourself; it rarely solves problems.

I am very sorry for the inconvenience. To be honest, I appreciate these sorts of situations myself, ans I always learn new tricks that will serve me in good stead in the future!