Which Repositories

I’m really enjoying Suse 11.1, and am learning alot thanks to these forums and everyone’s help. But I need some experience as to which of the long list of Repositories in YAST, I should be using/enableing for updates and for software in general. I’m sure there are favorites, but generally speaking as “defaults” ? Any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated, thank you so much.

On Tue, 10 Nov 2009 04:16:02 +0000, pablo27 wrote:

> I’m really enjoying Suse 11.1, and am learning alot thanks to these
> forums and everyone’s help. But I need some experience as to which of
> the long list of Repositories in YAST, I should be using/enableing for
> updates and for software in general. I’m sure there are favorites, but
> generally speaking as “defaults” ? Any suggestions or input is greatly
> appreciated, thank you so much.

Generally, the update repo for your release, the OSS repo, the non-OSS
repo (if you like), and packman are what I see recommended.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

> Any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated, thank you so much

-hola - bienvenida-

http://tinyurl.com/ycgm2bx is a thread for new to linux
folks…probably several things there you should take the time to

this particular question is pretty well answered under the heading of
“Repositories - openSUSE-Community” in the post #5 of that thread…

Have a lot of fun…

Thanks for the quick replies and the link, very helpful. Thanks again.