I have kde4.11 on opensuse13.1 and cannot find the dolphin config file.
I wish to set it back to factory defaults, as I can’t, as a normal user view hidden files. I can as a superuser.
You can enable “View hidden files” in dolphin’s menu, this is off by default. In the default configuration click on the gear symbol in the toolbar to get to the menu.
The config file is ~/.kde4/share/config/dolphinrc.
But dolphin doesn’t store the “View hidden files” option there. This is saved to ~/.kde4/share/apps/dolphin/view_properties/global/ if you set dolphin to use the same properties for all folders, or to a .desktop file in each folder if this is set to “Remember properties for each folder”, which is the default.
Thanks for that. It is for a machine at work, which I will set up tomorrow.
You might want to try the Hot Key combination alt + . (alt plus period).
That toggles ‘view hidden files’ on and off.
F8 also toggle hidden files on/off.