Where is vim-enhanced on OpenSuse 13.1?


I am usually installing the vim-enhanced package to have vim compiled with options like xterm_clipboard or clientserver and a few others. But this package seems not longer available on OpenSuse 13.1. Is my only option to compile vim from source myself or is there still a vim-enhanced package somewhere?


VI Improved is in http://software.opensuse.org/131/en but I cannot see any reference to vim-enhanced. So you can download Vim but, unless someone else can explain its absence (it may have been incorporated anyway), you may have to put in a bug report about the absence of vim-enhanced with 13.1.

john hudson wrote:
> VI Improved is in http://software.opensuse.org/131/en but I cannot see
> any reference to vim-enhanced. So you can download Vim but, unless
> someone else can explain its absence (it may have been incorporated
> anyway), you may have to put in a bug report about the absence of
> vim-enhanced with 13.1.
you did not find it during search because by default the search defaults
to latest version of openSUSE which is 13.1 currently.
If you “customize” and search you can find the packages. I find that vim
enhanced is missing for 13.1. It is available for 12.3


GNOME 3.10.2
openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.11.6-4-desktop


going back to an older vim-enhanced package is not an option. At the end of the day the problem is that the standard vim package is not compiled with X support. I ended up recompiling vim from source which actually gave me some headache due to OpenSUSE’s non-standard directory tree. Here is what serves my purposes at the moment and what may help others, too:

./configure --with-features=huge --with-x --enable-pythoninterp --enable-python3interp --enable-luainterp --enable-perlinterp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-tclinterp --enable-sniff --prefix=/usr --with-global-runtime=/usr/share/vim/site
make VIMRUNTIMEDIR=/usr/share/vim/current
make install

Make sure you have the devel packages for your programming languages to automatically get a proper feature activation for python etc. with the correct directories during ‘configure’.

That way I can, for instance, get forward search to work with latex-suite, though backward/inverse search is still broken for dvi files in okular 0.17.4 (kind of works for pdfs). It hasn’t worked properly in a while and I hope okular does not try to compete with kmail which never really worked in any KDE4.x releases. I truly miss the times when KDE and its components actually worked, but then I cannot live without the nice advances that do actually work smoothly, now :slight_smile: .

Isn’t it “gvim” then what you are looking for?

Package gvim contains the largest set of features of vim, which is
graphical windows and language interpreter, like python, ruby, or perl.
You need package vim for the help and other documentation too. If you
want less features, you might want to install vim instead.

That way I can, for instance, get forward search to work with latex-suite, though backward/inverse search is still broken for dvi files in okular 0.17.4 (kind of works for pdfs). It hasn’t worked properly in a while and I hope okular does not try to compete with kmail which never really worked in any KDE4.x releases. I truly miss the times when KDE and its components actually worked, but then I cannot live without the nice advances that do actually work smoothly, now :slight_smile: .

This works fine here with okular and kile.
But you have to create the dvi files by specifying the option “-src-specials” to latex I think.

Just my experience…
After trying gvim a bit, I decided it was better to just run vim in a console instead a full-blown GUI app.

For me, my main reason for exploring alternatives to the default vim is support for various vim plugins and if you take a look at all the plugin packages in the OSS, it’s pretty incredible. You don’t have to go anywhere for the most popular plugins, it’s all there ready to be easily installed and working.

So, vim-improved is plenty good for me. I can’t even find anything anywhere that might describe the difference between “improved” and “enhanced” – there may not be much of any (pure speculation).


There is no “vim-improved”. “vim” is the abbreviation of “vi improved”, i.e. an improved version of “vi”.:wink: