Where is the splah sound coming from?

I just did a clean install of Leap 15 on a new partition. Installation went okay but on the first boot, after grub, I get a sound that syncs with the splash screen animation. I rebooted and edited the splash entry from splash=silent to splash=verbose. The sound is still there even though the animation screen is not displayed. Worst yet is that the sound continues even after I have logged into the system.

What is going on?

Never seen or heard of that before. You need to tell us about your hardware. Particularly what sound card/chip lspci should show the hardware .

The machine is an HP DC5750 Microtower. If I run lspci it shows as AMD/ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) Yast sound says the driver snd-ada-intel. It stops while I am playing a sound through the speakers, then starts again shortly after the sound stops playing. I can stop it by deleting it in Yast sound.

If I reboot to Leap 42.3 it works fine as it has for all previous releases.


Well it looks like the response from “oldcpu” to this thread: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj0xMqPn9vcAhUSiqwKHX9tDG4QrAIoAzAAegQIABAK&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforums.opensuse.org%2Fshowthread.php%2F531350-Built-in-audio-sound-device-clicking-new-in-Leap-15-Pulseaudio&usg=AOvVaw3SFpsChiPACvKQt6jm08l8 did the trick. I set the option “power_save=0” for the driver and it seems to have taken care of the issue. Thanks to all the information in this forum.
