Where is kernel-source 3.0.1-46.2 or 46.3?

kernel-default is now 3.0.1-46.3, kernel-desktop is now 3.0.1-46.3, but kernel-sources is 3.0.1-46.1. Is it a kind of GPL violation or something like that? I need it to rebuild some kernel modules! >:)

Have you tried to rebuild? Did something fail?

You don’t necessarily get a kernel-source update with every minor kernel update.

On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 12:26:02 +0000, Razorcold wrote:

> kernel-default is now 3.0.1-46.3, kernel-desktop is now 3.0.1-46.3, but
> kernel-sources is 3.0.1-46.1. Is it a kind of GPL violation or something
> like that? I need it to rebuild some kernel modules! >:)

zypper in kernel-source should grab the sources IIRC.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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This follows on from another thread about error following a kernel-default update, corrected by update to 3.0.1-46.3. OP is incorrect re kernel-desktop as it remains at 3.0.1-46.2.

OP seems to have a problem with the fact that kernel-source is at a lower minor level (-46.1), not how to install it. :slight_smile:

FYI FWIW: In just three days the 12.1 DVD and repos will be made available. They will contain kernels 3.1.0-1.2.1 and the kernel source will be kernel-source-3.1.0-1.2.1. Presumably that will be in Tumbleweed too, or higher when time moves on. The point is that the kernel/s and kernel-source will coincide in a few days.

Ok, now 3.0.1-47.1, but zypper tells that I need to uninstall preload-kmp-desktop to upgrade kernel FACEPALM. Shall I wait again, now preload-kmp-desktop to be updated in repos? lol!

From the other thread, removing the preload-kmp-desktop could eliminate the invalid argument error during the start up and do make the boot faster. I am removed mine, no problem for not having that in our system.

Thanks! I’ll do the same.

Is that a good idea? Because when I tell him to uninstall kmp he wants to install kernel-default + kmp in addition to kernel-desktop… as if kernel-desktop won´t work anymore. Btw because of the missing desktop-kmp the zypper dup installed the old 2.37 desktop-kernel… I´m even afraid of rebooting …hope the right kmp is in place in some hours…

mark “preload” for uninstall first, then preload-kmp, that should solve this. I’ve been uninstalling preload for ages, since it speeds up booting a bit, and I never experienced any negative side-effects from it. If you’re running GNOME it’s no use to have it installed anyway.

I got kernel 3.1.0-47-desktop a few days back and all the packages have the same version. So basically maybe the mirror you are using is getting packages at a slower rate :slight_smile:

creatura@creation:~> rpm -qa | grep kernel- | grep 47