Where is kadmin command?


I’m trying to configure Kerberos + LDAP using that tutorial: Kerberos/LDAP/NFSv4 HOWTO [Doug Potter]
I found command kdb5_util in path: /usr/lib/mit/sbin, but I can’t find kadmin command.

I have OpenSUSE 11.4 and instaled packages:

Any ideas? :slight_smile:

package krb5-client


You did read the first line of that HowTo?
These instructions are specific to Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Version 4.

> -These instructions are specific to Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL),
> Version 4.-

RHEL was released EIGHT years ago…
see if you can’t find newer info, and especially info for this distro:

this first link searches only for info on this forum, openSUSE Wiki and
everything in the opensuse.org universe, stick with it if you can:


this second link searches across the entire internet but specifies that
“SUSE” appear on the same page, use it carefully (it might give you a
GREAT tutorial on how to set up Debian and have an ad with ‘SUSE’ in it):


openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

I didn’t notice that :frowning: I can’t find good tutorial for LDAP + Kerberos… :expressionless:

Can you please help me and tell how LDAP and Kerberos can be integrated? Can I configure them somehow to replicate users?

On 12/22/2011 11:46 PM, rysic wrote:
> Can you please help me and tell how LDAP and Kerberos can be integrated?
> Can I configure them somehow to replicate users?

i personally have never used either and have zero clue how either work
independently or ‘integrated’…so, if i were gonna help you all i could
do is read the documentation and force feed it to you…and, i don’t
normally try to help outside my areas of comfort…

so, if you are unable to google up some documentation you are gonna need
to find someone else to ask…by the way, i wonder why you did’t ask in
our fine networking forum?? see, the way it works here is: the
networking gurus read in the networking forum, where they answer
networking questions . . .

i give you 363k hits from the openSUSE documentation on either LDAP
and/or kerberos: http://tinyurl.com/brtmqqr

i just bet with enough patience you will find the info you need…(no one
is born knowing how to do what you wanna do)

DD http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!


have a look at

perhaps the links mentioned there can help you.

If you can read germen, perhaps

39.11. Verwenden von LDAP und Kerberos
can help you,too (even if it is for an older version of opensuse).



I saw that pages. Main goal is that I want to configure Kerberos + LDAP + NFS + Postfix (that is one point in my master’s thisis :slight_smile: ) but every page is showing how to access LDAP using Kerberos ticket.
User login to Linux using Kerberos user and then to other systems but if you need some user gorups or special attributs for Postfix/NFS, then you must use LDAP but LDAP is different database and the question is if that can be integrated.

I will find a way how to configure LDAP and Kerberos but I can’t get the idea how it can be done… :frowning:

I tried and I was looking at a lot of network pages - there is always how to configure Kerberos or how configure LDAP, newet how they can work together…

On 12/23/2011 05:46 PM, rysic wrote:
> that is one point in my master’s

we are not here to help you do research for a degree!!!

that research is YOUR responsibility…or did you intend to include a
footnote giving credit to the actual ‘master’ (here) who did the work
you report on???

DD http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

I’m not asking in that forum how to do that step by step, only about idea, about direction how it can be done in Linux. Isn’t asking people, reading books, looking in google research?

we are not here to help you
So why are you here? To shout for other users??

If you don’t want to help or dont know answers for questions, please don’t write such a stupid posts.

On 12/23/2011 09:16 PM, rysic wrote:
> we are not here to help you
> So why are you here? To shout for other users??

you failed to quote me correctly, i wrote:
“we are not here to help you do research for a degree!!!”

we ARE here to help you with openSUSE…and i ask you, just where does
openSUSE fit into your goal “Main goal is that I want to configure
Kerberos + LDAP + NFS + Postfix (that is one point in my master’s thisis
:slight_smile: ) but every page is showing how to access LDAP using Kerberos ticket.
User login to Linux using Kerberos user and then to other systems but if
you need some user gorups or special attributs for Postfix/NFS, then you
must use LDAP but LDAP is different database and the question is if that
can be integrated.”

see, you would be having the exact same problem if you were using
Debian, Red Hat, Mandriva, Sun, AIX or etc–this is not an openSUSE

and i say again: “i wonder why you did’t ask in our fine networking
forum?? see, the way it works here is: the networking gurus read in the
networking forum, where they answer networking questions . . .”

btw, i consider your “don’t write such a stupid posts” a personal
attack. so, cool it…

DD http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

where does
openSUSE fit into your goal

Becouse I want to do that in OpenSUSE and I thought that Kerberos and LDAP are applications and it is right place.

I suppose that I found answer for my question: MIT Kerberos LDAP backend

btw, i consider your “don’t write such a stupid posts” a personal
attack. so, cool it…

Yes, becouse you didn’t try to help me, you just attacked me, but my intentions are just lerning Linux and OpenSUSE - isn’t that forum for that (I never said do that for me - just help, show direction)? I’m mainly user of PL Suse forum. I always try to help less advanced users. If I’ll lern something here, I can help other users later and all Linux society “will be happy”.