Title. I use COSMIC, and I think it would be a really good choice for new users when installing. What’s the ETA for it happening? Will it happen?
i am sure it will absolutely happen. When - i guess in the first month or two after cosmic release, i guess it would depend on how stable it is
This entirely depends on somebody being willing to put in the work, and get the openQA tests written, in order to have it be a “Primary” selection in the installer.
Oh, right, I forgot there is a “primary” selection of a de. I was thinking about patterns at the end of installation
I think that should wait until System76 stops calling it an alpha or beta.
So, as I am the maintainer of COSMIC on openSUSE, I will answer some of the questions
Right now I push as much as possible (without needed security audits) into factory, so people can test out stuff in regards to the “apps” which are available.
For the software which need a security audit, I want to do when stuff hits at least beta or RC otherwise (maybe) stuff change too much so another security audit could be necessary. (which also means that the patterns need to be pushed after all software is in factory/tumbleweed)
I am still on the fence about actually having it as an option in the installer, but wouldn’t mind if somebody wants to/will step up. (At least from my side, I won’t touch YaST installer, as it’s already almost out of the window, while adding it to agama is still an option for me) At the same time, don’t get me wrong, I love COSMIC quite a bit, especially since we are still 1.0.0 alpha, and how usable it is to me, at the same time, I can guarantee that for a lot of people a lot is still missing, why i am so hesitant.
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