What Just Happened?

openSUSE 12.1 KDE

Put a cd into the rom to rip it to the hard drive. All of a sudden what’s in the screen shot happened.
Hipster Doofus - openSUSE

The first entry said ‘root’. I entered my password & then it came back to what looked like a fresh install.

I rebooted & all is working as it should. What happened? Was it something like a bsod?

So your KDE desktop suddenly ended and logged you out. This is not normal behavior and I have not had this occur with openSUSE 12.1. Now, when you speak of a cd, there are several kinds and it might make a difference. Was it a …

  1. Audio CD, factory or home made (700 MB max or Less)
  2. Data CD and includes MP3’s (700 MB or Less)
  3. Data DVD (4.7 GB or Less)
  4. Movie DVD, home made (4.7 GB or less)
  5. Factory DVD Movie (4.7-6 GB)
  6. Data DL or Home Made Movie (8.5 GB or less)
  7. Any Data Blue Ray disk (25 GB or larger)

Of course you would try the disk again as well as check other disks. If you did a recent update and did not restart KDE, that can do it, but sometime the stars might just be in the wrong alignment for you.

Thank You,

Wow! A “Road to Damascus” experience. Always wondered what one looks like. :smiley:

Glad for you it’s back to normal.

Wow! A “Road to Damascus” experience. Always wondered what one looks like. :smiley:

Glad for you it’s back to normal.

Disc was an audio, Store bought. 711mb. 77 minutes.

Inserted it again & it did what it was suppose to do. Ripped another store bought cd yesterday & that was OK also. Hopefully I won’t see it again.

It could be sun spots perhaps, as opposed to a religious experience such as suggested by consused I suppose.

Thank You,

Not so religious, as nowadays the term refers to a sudden mind-changing or life-changing experience. :slight_smile:

It looks like something aborted and forced a logout (Xorg/graphics driver issue??). The “sun spot” could be a reflection of the camera’s flash.