Now I was watching the TV, a famous TV hospital series (I don’t know the
original English name), and they had a song, a sad Aleluia I had heard
previously, which I liked but I did not know which one it was. I’m not a
/modern/ music fan, that’s clear
I had asked a friend about this song - he has a wall filled to the ceiling
with CDs -, but as I can’t sing, even less by email, I got no answer. :-}
I’m a newcomer to having easy internet access, so it did not occur me to do
this earlier. It is also difficult for me to catch English lyrics, it is
not my first language. But this time I was sitting in front of my computer,
and I did catch the first phrase, helped by the Spanish subtitles:
Now I’ve heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
and of course, Google found it in a second (I’m still surprised by this
feat). It turns out that it comes from Leonard Cohen, but the popular,
recent, version appeared in Shreck, from Jeff Buckley. So I hit a place
that offered a download, which only turned the iMesh.exe file mentioned in
the subject; plus a link to play it (at, which
worked fine. I even got a flash video (a still video).
So what is that iMesh.exe file for?
I ask here because I guess there will be Windows users around who may know.
I don’t want to download the song - anyway, the mpeg file is sitting in my
firefox HD cache, an unintended side product of listening to the song
Gosh. I’m dumb. Didn’t I say that internet is still news for me? Just
googled for iMesh.exe and found some info. Some people say it is a spyware.
I’m lucky to be a Linux user
And wikipedia says it is a legal, pay-p2p network (in NA only).
Anyway, I’m posting this, I’m not keen not dumping the post after some
minutes writing it O:-)
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)