WEP 40/128 vs WEP 104/128

Does anyone know how to connect to a WEP 104/128? I only have WEP 40/128 ASCII and 40/128 Hex and 128-bit passphrase.
Using OpenSuse 11.0 on a Dell Inspiron E1505 with the Intel 3945 wireless in it.

Yep, enter the passphrase/ascii/hex code which your router uses for WEP connections


Tried all combinations for a few hrs yesterday and nothing worked. All windoze xp/vista boxes are working but not the OpenSuse box. The router is a Linksys WRT54.

What is the difference between WEP 40/128 and WEP 104/128? I think that is the problem. The previous router was an old ms router. But it was not maintaining a stable connection thus the change.

Gothmaniac wrote:
> Tried all combinations for a few hrs yesterday and nothing worked. All
> windoze xp/vista boxes are working but not the OpenSuse box. The router
> is a Linksys WRT54.
> What is the difference between WEP 40/128 and WEP 104/128? I think
> that is the problem. The previous router was an old ms router. But it
> was not maintaining a stable connection thus the change.

WEP does work with a Linksys router - I use one myself. It usually runs WPA, but
I use WEP for testing.

WEP can use either 64- or 128-bit encryption keys, but 24 bits are exposed -
thus one sees 40/64 or 104/128. I have no idea what 40/128 means. I think it is
a KNM misprint.

You should be aware that there are at least two ways to convert a passphrase
into a WEP key. If your router and the client use different schemes, then it
will never work. You can use a phrase in the router, but copy the hexadecimal
key and use that with your openSUSE client. On 11.0, I just tested both 64- and
128-bit keys with a Linksys BEFW11S4 V4 router.


Did you set the key to 64-bit, or what ever, under key option in yast? I do not know if you need to do it in open suse 11, but I had to in 10.3. I use WEP.

It’s set to 128. The only other option is 64. I’m no longer at the house where this was happening. Was just visiting over the thanksgiving holiday so I can’t troubleshoot this one further at this time.

I think encryption must match, 64 or 128. On my router the 64-bit is 10 characters in length and 128-bit is 13. This is hexadecimal, ion this case.

That’s what I was doing and it didn’t work.