Weirdness with WordPress on localhost

Hi folks,

I installed WordPress 3.x on my localhost/Apache server, but I can neither install plugins nor update anything.This happens with both the stable WP3.0 version and the 3.1 beta.

When I try to search the Plugin Directory from the WP dashboard, I get this message:

An Unexpected HTTP Error occurred during the API request.

When I run an update, I get a page asking for the login credentials for the ftp user (“To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.”).

Since I’m part of the ‘ftp’ group on the system, I enter my system login information, click Proceed – and get a blank page that does nothing.

I’ve gone to YaST, and I see that the system ftp user has a 6-character password (which may or may not be mine). I’m afraid to change it and risk screwing up other ftp-related functions.

I’m running openSUSE 11.3, and am obsessive about updating. I will note that I have an old 2WIRE router that often requires me (including Zypper repos) to enter IP addresses instead of DNS-based URLs to successfully download stuff. Not sure if this is related, but just in case…

Thanks for any ideas…

Although I’m not a Wordpress User/Admin, from your description I imagine any valid set of FTP credentials should work (and I’d be very wary of using any “the” system credentials).

Recommend reading the docs on exactly what credentials you can use (usually Username/Password), then create a new set of credentials to be used.
