Weird sysinfo behaviour in KDE 4.3 (openSUSE 11.2)

Hello community,

I’ve just removed Mandriva 2010 to give openSUSE 11.2 a try and wow! Now, that’s a slick distibution and i’m very pleased with it.

Anyway, i’ve notice a few boo-boos (i’m on a HP, Model: a6745f, dual core athlon, 2.6 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, KDE 4.3):

When i click My Computer, in the CPU Information section, my CPU is listed as “MD Athlon™ Dual Core Processor 5050e”, “Speed: 2,600.00 MHz”. But after a while or if i refresh the page, the CPU Speed changes to 1,000.00 MHz. Now that’s weird because my CPU is for shure a 2,600.00 MHz dual core.

The second weirdness, is that after i installed the ATI proprietary drivers, My Computer would show in the Display section:

Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc
Model: Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
Driver: fglrx

Now, it only shows:

Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc
Model: Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
Driver: Unknown

Any hints guys ? :expressionless:

that will be amd’s cool & quiet feature - which slows the clock speed when not needed

Indeed, spot on there @dth2:wink:

Uhm, yes that makes sense. Thanks :slight_smile:

There is indeed a bug in the sysinfo module. In an email in December 2009 with the KDE Team, I had requested a patch .

However, due to the low priority of the bug, most likely it will not be addressed in the next update of 4.3.4.
