Alreadey have the regular 13.1 Virtualization repo installed and configured
4 | Virtualization | Virtualization | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md |
Added an OBS repo with the following location
3 | OBS_Virtualization_13.1 | OBS_Virtualization_13.1 | Yes | No | 99 | NONE |
After I posted the above, I noticed that the repository listed type=NONE. I re-added the repo, the type is now rpm-md but does not fix zypper’s problems, it still doesn’t read what’s in the repo
The OBS repo contains a special Kiwi build system (5.6) compared to the Kiwi in the regular virtualization repo
When I search for, and install Kiwi, it still returns only the version that’s in the main virtualization repo. Nothing I can think of returns the kiwi in the OBS repo, even though the OBS repo was added successfully and “zypper ref” does not return an error suggesting a repo problem.
zypper in kiwi
Would like to figure out how to search and download packages from the OBS repo, the alternative is to download and install all the packages in that repo one by one. Additionally, unless zypper can pull down packages from this OBS repo, each package install cannot automatically download dependencies.