Webcam - Loading uvcvideo fails


I’m running SuSU 11.1. I’m getting angry now about it cause there are so many problems. :frowning: The actual one now is that I cannot use my webcam.

First of all some infos:

notebook:/lib/modules/ # uname -a
Linux notebook #1 SMP 2008-12-04 18:10:04 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

notebook:/lib/modules/ # lsusb
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 174f:5a31 Syntek Sonix USB 2.0 Camera

So the cam has been found and identified correctly. Also lsusb -vs 005:002 tells me that everything is ok. That’s why I don’t paste the full output here.

What I have done? First of all I tried without changing anything to insert the module after checking if it was installed. The system told me that the module had the wrong format. Huh! The built in module has the wrong format? What’s that?

So I downloaded the sources from ~pinchartl/uvcvideo: changeset 10627:5ba3bf58b52d]( which were put there 6 days ago. That should work I thought and compiled the module. After trying to load the module again I got the same message. Why??? The solution was that the softlink in /lib/modules/ led to nowhere. How stupid was that? So I changed the softlink so it led to the correct file. After that I got:

notebook:~/ # modprobe uvcvideo
FATAL: Error inserting uvcvideo (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

notebook:~/ # dmesg
uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol v4l_compat_translate_ioctl
uvcvideo: Unknown symbol v4l_compat_translate_ioctl
uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_devdata
uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_devdata
uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_unregister_device
uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_unregister_device
uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_alloc
uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_device_alloc
uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_register_device
uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_register_device
uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_usercopy
uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_usercopy
uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_release
uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_device_release

F***! So I did a roll back. I removed the new compiled modules and uninstalled with yast the whole thing to start again. But what’s that? After uninstalling the uvc-kpm-default package (I think that was the name) I couldn’t install it again cause it is no longer in the list. Searching for uvc with yast only gives me luvcview but no longer the driver package.

Compiling the sources again didn’t help. Still the message given above. Now I’m lost and anything I found with google didn’t help. Another bug report???




zypper se uvc
Does it show the kernel modules? If so, try installing with “zypper install”

Please post the output of lsusb and post the line referring to your webcam.



Nope, only luvcview is shown.

I did so. First line in the first code block in the original posting. :wink: You want the whole stuff? Here you are:

Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 003: ID 08ff:1600 AuthenTec, Inc. AES1600
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0b05:1751 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. 
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 174f:5a31 Syntek Sonix USB 2.0 Camera
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

As I said lsusb -vs 005:002 gives me a load of infos which all seem to be correct but if you want to I will post this here, too.



Hi again,

And here are my repos:

   | Alias           | Name                  | Aktiviert | Aktualisierung
1  | asus-kernel     | asus-kernel           | Nein      | Ja            
2  | codecs          | codecs                | Nein      | Ja            
3  | openSUSE 11.1-0 | openSUSE 11.1-0       | Ja        | Nein          
4  | packman         | packman               | Ja        | Ja            
5  | repo-debug      | openSUSE-11.1-Debug   | Nein      | Ja            
6  | repo-non-oss    | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss | Ja        | Ja            
7  | repo-oss        | openSUSE-11.1-Oss     | Ja        | Ja            
8  | repo-source     | openSUSE-11.1-Source  | Ja        | Ja            
9  | repo-update     | openSUSE-11.1-Update  | Ja        | Ja            
10 | vbox            | vbox                  | Nein      | Ja            
11 | vmware          | vmware                | Nein      | Ja            

German since I use the german version but I think even for a non german speaker understandable. :wink: The ones which are deactivated are local dirs where I downloaded some stuff to. The asus-kernel was a try. I’m still using the standard kernel.



uvcvideo in the kernel is not working

so goto ~pinchartl/uvcvideo: Summary](
download the .gz
untar it with Ark to your home directory
in the directory containing what ark put init

do a make
sudo make install
reboot to be sure the webcam is recognized by the driver

now you have the latetst driver wich works like a charm for me


That’s exactly what I did. The only thing I didn’t do was reboot. Hey, this is Linux not Window$. :wink: Now reading your post and starting my notebook again it works. Unbelievable. :wink: Thank you.



Hi again,

ok, the cam now works. I can watch myself but I cannot configure it with kopete. There is no device. I did exactly what is mentoined here:

KDE Wiki : Kopete Webcam Support

Still doesn’t work. This time I rebooted. :wink:

Any ideas?



  • susegebr wrote, On 02/23/2009 02:36 PM:
    > uvcvideo in the kernel is not working

Just for the records, it does here.


Hello buckesfeld

When i bought for 11.1 a new usb webcam the
logitech quickcam communicate mp/s5500
it did not work wich the driver from 11.1 installed luvcview gave a black screen

so i mailed to pinchard developper for the uvcvideo en maintainer for the hole stack from webcams in the kernel and the answer was depending on the webcam you have, the driver from 11.1 is broken, download … and so on

i did and presto a living webcam
seeing the source from the uvcvideo driver downloaded then and yesterday there are differences, so it is a work in progress

My camera is still not reported right during boot
because its not in modules.usbxxxx

and i am running the 2.6.29.rc5.16.2 kernel and all kernels from this serie and still the webcam is not defined by name
send a complain to the kernel developers group
no answer up till now

I have now 2 webcams: PixArt and Logitech.
Bus 002 Device 018: ID 046d:08ce Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 5000

Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000 - is uvc camera, but it does not work in Ekiga, Kopete, Gstreamer.
It works only in skype, without any help.But, if you want to change something like brightness, contrast, saturation - it may be done in kopete, even if it does not show anything.

Strange, isn’t it?

Thank you.

On 02/23/2009 susegebr wrote:
> depending on the webcam you have, the driver from 11.1 is broken

OIC, your previous statement sounded so absolute :slight_smile: