webcam for Skype


Using openSUSE 11.2 I tried and failed to make the Logitech webcam E3500 work under Skype, although it works well under luvcview and cheese.

Can anyone recommend a webcam that does work under skype on 11.2?



Did you try :

Skype HOWTO - openSUSE

Thanks for the pointer. I did try the advice given there, which amounts to preloading /usr/lib/libv4l/

What I got when I clicked “test” on the skype video option was a segmentation fault that crashed Skype:
/usr/bin/skype: line 2: 4586 Segmentation fault LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype.real

I looked in the /usr/lib/libv4l directory and found another module:

But when I tried this module instead I got another segmentation fault:
/usr/bin/skype: line 2: 4624 Segmentation fault LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype.real

Any idea why this is happening?



In my attempts to use my Logitech E3500 web cam with skype I came across another thread where it was recommended to start by installing the HCL/GSPCA webcams for linux, from

I tried the 1-click install and to my surprise it failed to install (YaST just said "partially successful - the gspca2 module not installed. No reason or details given). This is supposed to be a module suitable for 11.2 - so why is it failing on my very new 11.2?

Please help!

