Webcam App

My mother just purchased a webcam for her laptop. I really hope it is Linux compatible. When I go over to her house, I guess I’ll find out.

She runs an at home Mary Kay-type business and she wants to be able to hold virtual video meetings, or at the very least allow multiple people to chat with her while watching a live video of her.

I told her she should apply to be a webcam girl. Bad jokes aside, is there a good Linux app that would allow her to chat with her team using her webcam?

Preferably something simple that can pass the Grandma test.

  • enderandrew,

depends on what everybody else is using: Skype should work, else there is support for Yahoo Instant Messenger and webcams in Kopete (KDE) and AFAIK in Pidgin (Gnome).


She could in theory ask her team members to use whatever app she wants. I know Skype and other programs allow for voice chat, but which ones will allow one person to broadcast video to several users at once?

  • enderandrew wrote, On 01/12/2009 07:16 PM:
    > She could in theory ask her team members to use whatever app she wants.
    > I know Skype and other programs allow for voice chat, but which ones
    > will allow one person to broadcast video to several users at once?

Dunno, never did that myself.
If nobody else has an answer, just try it yourself :slight_smile:
