Web Video in Firefox is jerky (back and forth frame motion)

I installed new version of OpenSuse Leap version 15.6 on new SSD. The installation was smooth. The desktop is okay. I found three potential bugs which first one I can live with it and the last two I want to fix it but I was not able to after many attempts:

bug 1: During the boot up (I have two HD on PC) the system boots with old suse boot kernel. The option to select new suse to boot from is there. However I was surprised to see old boot kernel instead the new one. Usually new kernel takes over the old suse kernel. Since I can boot anyway with new OpenSuse Leap 15.6. I am skipping it. This bug is just for reporting purpose for developers if this is actually a bug for them.

Bug 2: When I go to websites that has some videos in them, the motion of characters are jerky (moving back and forth) and shaking. I am using default Firefox. Youtube video seems to be okay but kind of clatter or not a fine smooth motion. When I use old suse, the video in latest firefox looks fine.

Bug 3: Other browsers like Chrome, O, Web, shows not web video at all. The just show circle animation indicating the they just keep loading …

How do I fix Bug 2 and 3?

My attempt was to disable performance option. No change.
I have checked plugin. openH264 the same version works fine in old suse but not in new one. Therefore I assume that the problem is not plugin but something else…

Hello @openlost ,

Bug 1

Your first issue is a relatively easy, but possibly confusing fix. The first approach is to possibly fix it in your system bios. Most motherboard bios software allows you to configure a default boot device. The second approach, assuming you have an EFI system, is to set the boot order with efibootmgr. Run “efibootmgr” without any options to see your boot entries.

root@orca# efibootmgr 
BootCurrent: 0001
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0001,0000,002B,002C
Boot0000* opensuse-secureboot (nvme0n1p1)
Boot0001* opensuse-secureboot (nvme1n1p1)
Boot002B* opensuse
Boot002C* opensuse

The “BootCurrent” shows the default device. If I wanted to change it the third boot option shown, I would type “efibootmgr --bootorder 002B,0000,0001,002C”. Or I could make the first two entries inactive by typing “efibootmgr -A 0000 && efibootmgr -A 0001”. You might save yourself future confusion by using efibootmgr to remove entries that no longer point to a valid OS.

Hi again!

Bug 2

I need a little more information to REALLY address this one, but I will give a few hints anyway.

Which desktop environment are your using? KDE, GNOME, XFCE, CINNAMON, something cool I haven’t ever heard about?

Are you running on X11 or wayland?

I experienced some video playback problems with on Leap 15.6 running GNOME on X11 (X.org). I switched to wayland, which is now the default for GNOME on opensuse, and have had no more problems. I don’t know if wayland integration is up to snuff on KDE or not.

Finally, have to you installed the video codecs from packman, or are you using those provided by vanilla opensuse?

Hope this at least points you in the right direction.


Bug 3

Sounds like you have not installed the codecs from packman. If you have not, see the following:


I think the method described in option 2 is easiest. You don’t need the vlc-codecs unless you use the VLC player.

It’s rare I ever use FF … my default browser is Brave, then Chrome. I’ve never experienced any issues with video and I do NOT use the Packman repos. I am running KDE Plasma with X11, not Wayland (too sketchy for me).

Used to run Tumbleweed and quite a few folks complained about FF and jerky videos. One recommendation | troubleshooting step is:
Fire up the Discover app.
Install the Flatpak version of FF.
Test with it to compare to the native openSuse version of FF.

Be careful while in Discover, navigating thru the Browser section, because you will see TWO versions of FF listed … the native version and the Flatpak version.
See my screenshot. And yes, you can have both installed simultaneously - they will not “interfere” with each other.

Install the Flatpak version - does it work? It only take five minutes or so to install and test.

Screenshot of Flatpak version of FF in the list:


I had the same issue as @aggie. Following the Bug 3 advice solved the problem on my system. I’m running Leap 15.6, KDE with X11.


Regards, Mogens

I have never had problems playing videos … I do not use FF … I only use Brave and Chrome :+1:

I only suggested installing the Flatpak version of FF as a troubleshooting step :slight_smile:


I don’t think it is only FF, I also had issues with Telegram and some local news channels. But after installing Pacman codecs everything is fine. :+1:


I am running KDE with X11.

I used Yast to set a boot order for OpenSUSE 15.6. For bios my guess is it is set for hd instead ssd. I am not sure. But I guess it explains the way it boots. This issue does not bother because I can boot opensuse 15.6…
Bug 1 is solved anyway.

I used a link that you provided to fix bug 2. Forgot to check other browsers (bug 3 ) therefore I assume that they are fixed after fixing bug 2. I used a link that you provided in your third reply.

I used Yast to access pacman repository and make software adjustment later then. Checked the firefox web videos …all run smoothly like butter. Thank you and all other members in community for your support.

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