Way to create small partition from command line on different disk sizes

I am working on scripting a way to do installs on single servers located all over the globe. We have done both scripted (autoyast) installs and laid down images with dd. The thing we haven’t knocked out yet is a command line way to make a partition and filesystem across servers of varying disk sizes - anything from 600GB to 4TB. We have a first disk that is always 142GB so we have been manually creating a 10GB filesystem on the second disk where we place the install source so we get one simple copy over the WAN then we either lay down the image file from that partition or mount an ISO for autoyast installs (internal debate on which one to use)

I’ve tried to command line partition and mkfs onto the second disk but the disk geometry varies so much that my attempts have failed so far. Does anyone have an idea for a way that is either geometry agnostic or might be able to prompt for the geometry for the disk being partitioned?



On 05/15/2013 07:26 PM, er38mwv wrote:
> I am working on scripting a way to do installs on single servers located
> all over the globe.


would that be installing the operating system? (which OS?)

or would it be installing applications into an existing operating
system? (which OS?)



On 05/16/2013 08:16 PM, er38mwv wrote:
> OS - SLES11 SP2

ah… these are the openSUSE forums, while you might get an answer
here it is likely to come from someone (like me) who has never see a
SLES running…

so i’d recommend you go to the forums run by the folks who create and
support your system, they are at http://forums.suse.com/ and the
ID/Pass you used here work there also…

hmmm…depending on your service agreement there may be even better
avenues of support…i’m not really well informed on the commercial side.


The problem with the paid support channels is that most of the “engineers” are trained only in the common issues - start getting out of the box and they go “best effort” which is usually not much. I was trying to setup a virtual Apache host on an Open Enterprise Server 11 a couple of days ago and the YAST wizard blew up Apache completely. Turns out the fix was as simple as adding ssl back as a module in the apache.conf but the errors generated did not lean that way at all. And the answer I got when I asked why YAST blew up Apache? “Using YAST to configure Apache on an OES server is not supported.” Well then, how about disabling that option in the YAST menu when OES is chosen as an add on product? Oh yeah, that’s not their focus.
The engineer I worked with told me he could send me sample conf files (nah, can find plenty of those) but running a virtual Apache host on OES is unsupported (IE - the web tools that do run on Apache won’t be supported unless I back out the virtual host) I had no -need- for the v-host but I was looking to make my users lives easier by having a cname guiding to the v-host which would then take them to the service that has a longer URL than desired. (was also going to do an auto redirect right from the root of the v-host)
I think I’m just going to use YAST partitioner to do this - a single script to create a partition and FS - mount it - scp the image from a central server - then gunzip/dd the image would be super but manually creating the partition won’t be much more work and saves me a lot of thinking capacity that I don’t have right now. I’ll get through the current log jam of servers then revisit the idea and see what I can find.


On Thu, 30 May 2013 20:06:02 +0000, er38mwv wrote:

> The problem with the paid support channels is that most of the
> “engineers” are trained only in the common issues - start getting out of
> the box and they go “best effort” which is usually not much. I was
> trying to setup a virtual Apache host on an Open Enterprise Server 11 a
> couple of days ago and the YAST wizard blew up Apache completely. Turns
> out the fix was as simple as adding ssl back as a module in the
> apache.conf but the errors generated did not lean that way at all. And
> the answer I got when I asked why YAST blew up Apache? “Using YAST to
> configure Apache on an OES server is not supported.” Well then, how
> about disabling that option in the YAST menu when OES is chosen as an
> add on product? Oh yeah, that’s not their focus.
> The engineer I worked with told me he could send me sample conf files
> (nah, can find plenty of those) but running a virtual Apache host on OES
> is unsupported (IE - the web tools that do run on Apache won’t be
> supported unless I back out the virtual host)

Without going too far down the rabbit hole here (but as someone who has
an OES server as well), the reason vhosts aren’t supported would appear
to me to be because the OES components have their own setup.

I have used vhosts on my own OES box, and I can tell you from experience
that it’s a great way to cause problems with things like iManager and the
other web-based services that OES provides.

But what dd was suggesting in addition to the prospect of using paid
support resources (which, based on my experience working in and with
support people, your view isn’t entirely accurate about, BTW) that the
SUSE forums (or the OES forums, since that’s what you’re actually
running) might be an appropriate place to ask these questions.

The SUSE forums and the Novell OES forums are not paid-for support, but
SLES is sufficiently different from openSUSE that what works on one may
not work on the other.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

On 05/31/2013 12:23 AM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> the OES forums, since that’s what you’re actually running

what is this “OES” he is running?


On 5/31/2013 1:29 AM, dd wrote:
> On 05/31/2013 12:23 AM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> the OES forums, since that’s what you’re actually running
> what is this “OES” he is running?
I assume Open Enterprise Server:

“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you” Red Green

On 06/01/2013 03:30 AM, PV wrote:
> I assume Open Enterprise Server:

ah! i bet there are lots of Novell products i no idea or knowledge of.
